What We Believe

At NWMC, we hold the beliefs of the historic Christian faith in communion with fellow Christians across centuries, nationalities, and denominations.

  • We believe in the Bible – that the sixty-six books of the canonical Bible are all the actual words of God, given through the personalities and experiences of people especially prepared for that purpose.
  • We believe in the Trinity – God the Father, Jesus Christ his Son, and the Holy Spirit – One God in three persons, coequal in divinity and eternity.
  • We believe in the Incarnation – that Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity became fully and truly human when He was born in Bethlehem without ceasing to be fully and truly God. Living without sinning, He taught and showed us the life God intended for us.
  • We believe in Sin – that every one of us is born with a natural tendency to pursue our own desires at the expense of others and to seek satisfaction in anything but God. As we inevitably yield to this compulsion, we become guilty before God and before one another.
  • We believe in Salvation – that the forgiveness of sins, a transformed life, and eternity in joyful fellowship with God is only possible because Jesus Christ died in our place for our sins, was bodily resurrected from the dead, ascended to the presence of the Father, and poured out the Holy Spirit on His followers. Jesus’ death on the cross is the perfect sacrifice for guilt, the perfect act of obedience to God, and the perfect proof of His love for us.
  • We believe in Conversion – that an individual must make a conscious decision to respond to God’s offer of forgiveness and change by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This is a real act of personal will, but not an act of personal merit.
  • We believe in a Christ-Like Life – that the follower of Jesus is called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live according to the example of Jesus Christ, in humility, service, love, and holiness.
  • We believe in the Church – that the local community of those who follow Jesus is His Body reaching out to those around us and the “heaven-on-earth” where we experience His presence and a foretaste of all He has planned for us.
  • We believe in the End – that one day Jesus will return physically to earth in glory to judge the living and the dead and to receive those who belong to Him into God’s presence to share perfect peace and joy forever.